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18 October 2017

Which is a better honeymoon destination, Greece or Bali?

Well, both options are nice place for honeymoon. All I know about Greece is from internet, TV channels and feedback from friends. But here I want to tell you 5 reasons why Bali would be the best (not just better) option for you to spend your honeymoon.

1. The popularity

First to say, Bali is known as the island of gods, some other people call it with The island of a thousand temples. Well, I know Greece has many gods but Bali has it too due to the numerous religious idols of Balinese ancient Hinduism which is enshrined in the locals daily life. Until now Balinese still do offerings every day.

2. Culture

Bali’s culture is very unique and rich. Various forms of dance, costumes and music have made Bali’s arts and culture scene one of the most diverse in the world.

Rites of passage at Balinese family households can almost be seen daily, celebrating the cycle of birth, death and rebirth. Although mostly Balinese are Hindus, but it’s slightly different to India Hindus’s culture. Bali Hinduism combines the Indian model with elements of native religion. The object of their religious practices is to maintain a balance between good and evil forces.

Although, Bali is part of Indonesia where the majority is moslem for the country, but in Bali itself Hindu is the majority around 80%. And local people here are very friendly, kind and open-armed.


3. Geography

As a part of Indonesian archipelago, Bali stretches 3.2 km east of Java. The island is quite small compared to other parts of the country with only a land of 5,630 square km. Bali has diverse landscape with its highest peak is Gunung Agung (Mount Agung), 10,308 feet above the sea level and its lowest is the exotic paradise beaches that welcome tourists every day. Between the tallest mountain and the sea-sand areas, there are deep forests, flowing rivers, alluvial slopes and green rugs of crop fields. So for all kind of vacationer, you can have many experiences here, hike the mountain (Mount Agung, Mount Batur), experience the serenity with cool fresh air (Ubud and Bedugul), feel the sand and beaches, or dive and explore the underwater (South Bali: Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan, Sanur. East Coast of Bali: Padang bai, Candidasa, Tulamben, Amed. North West Coast of Bali: Menjangan Island, Permutaran, Lovina, Gilimanuk)

4. Attractions

Bali is not only about nature, there are many more things to do in Bali.

Do you like clubbing, bars, fancy restaurants, boutiques, spa, water sport, rafting, ? Yes Bali has it all, even camel ride!

And if those are not good enough to convince you, perhaps this last below point will do.

5. Bali named world’s best destination by TripAdvisor.

The results have just come in for TripAdvisors 2017 Travelers’ Choice Awards and it was Bali, The Island of The Gods that came out on top as the number one travel destination in the world. It’s not easy to get this achievement as there are many points to consider by TripAdvisor before announce it. Of course reviews are the most important things to consider. FYI. Greece is positioned on number 6th. I give you the links for this news

Bali named best tourist destination

Best Destinations in the World - Travellers' Choice Awards

In addition, there are plenty of beautiful villas for honeymooner you can choose to stay at and one of our favorite is at Ziva a Boutique Villas. Not just it, if you are a honeymoon couple but also like to take both parents to take a vacation with you, we have many family villas for you to choose. Simply drop us an email at for further assistance.

Stay in Villa - "Your journey to a priceless vacation"

Tags: best villa for honeymoon in Bali Bali or Greece Stay in Villa Ziva a Boutique Villas Honeymooner Honeymoon in Bali Mount Agung Greece or Bali